Grant Plus
Customers who elect to access additional features through Grant Plus will be charged a monthly fee of USD $9.99. The Grant Plus fee will be collected on the repayment date of your Advance, or on the last day of your Grant Plus subscription term, whichever comes first.
Access to Grant Plus may be canceled at any time by visiting the "Manage Plan" tab in the Account section of the Grant mobile app. Customers who wish to cancel their access to Grant Plus before the subscription fee is charged must cancel at least one (1) business day before the end of the then-current Grant Plus subscription term. Returning customers will be charged the $9.99 fee immediately upon resubscribing.
Express Delivery
Grant’s Advances are available to users with standard delivery at no additional cost. Standard delivery may take three (3) business days, depending on current processing times. (This is an estimate for illustrative purposes; Grant does not guarantee delivery within any specific timeframe.)
Customers may pay an optional fee to expedite delivery via the Express Delivery Fee. The Express Delivery Fee may range from USD $2.00 - $8.00, depending on the amount of the Advance. Customers opting for expedited delivery must link their Grant account to their debit card in the Grant mobile app. Grant typically delivers the Advance to customers who have paid the Express Delivery Fee within 60 minutes. (This is an estimate; Grant does not guarantee delivery within any specific timeframe.)
Grant's full suite of products and services is not available in all states. Grant’s Advance product is not available to CT, DC, MD, KS, MO, NV, RI, SC, and WI residents.
You may request an Advance without enrolling in Grant Plus. To do so, please email and state that you would like to apply for a free Grant Advance.
Additional Terms and conditions apply. See “Customer Agreement” for further information.Select applicants may qualify for Advances based on eligibility criteria and successful verification. Advance amounts range from $25-$250. There is no guaranteed amount. The average Advance amount was $79 during the period from 07/2024 to 12/2024.